Recipe by Michael Cecconi from The Back Forty in the East Village of New York City
Makes one cocktail
I will admit that we did not test this recipe but rest assured we will! I just found it tonight and decided to add it to the Beverage Cart for y’all. You will want to make your beet liqueur a number of days in advance. Mr. Cecconi uses Dickel Tennessee Whisky but I would suggest Maker’s Mark or Eagle Rare (the Eagle is my personal favorite bourbon).
First make your beet liqueur:
6 red or candy-striped beets
1.75 liters vodka
Pinch of salt
Clean beets and wrap individually in foil. Roast at 350 F until fork tender. Let beets cool, then peel off skin and slice into 1/4-inch rounds. Add to a pitcher of vodka and let steep 4-7 days at room temperature, stirring daily.
Make your cocktail:
2 oz Dickel Tennessee Whisky
1 1/2 oz beet liqueur
3/4 oz Punt e Mes (a widely available Italian vermouth)
Combine ingredients in pint glass or mixing tin and fill with ice. Stir 100 times, then strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with a paper-thin beet slice.