Welcome to the 2013 Summer share season. Our staff and the weather are hard at work starting off a productive year. By reading this brief letter, you can help too.
Begin by meeting our new staff! Susan Peters is our new Farm Manager. You may remember her as an Assistant Grower under Kathy Huckins three years ago; she returns after having managed a CSA of her own. She’s assisted by Alison Denn, Paulette Jenner, Brendon Murtha, Brian Yen, and Anthony DeFelice.
As dedicated as they are, the staff aren’t the only people at Stearns Farm who make things happen. To be good citizens, we all need to pay our invoices on time, work our required sharer hours, and volunteer any extra time we can manage. Sharers and non-sharers can lend a hand in the field and greenhouse and help with plumbing, machine repair, carpentry, or grounds upkeep. Come serve on a committee or the Board of Directors. Help with fundraising, the website, or communications. Share your expertise by offering classes or workshops. Working together makes Stearns Farm everyone’s farm.
Speaking of working together, we plan to erect a new greenhouse. After 20 years of service, our old one collapsed under the weight of a snowstorm last February. The new one will be 1.5 times bigger, appropriate to our larger membership. It will take many hands to put it up, so keep your eyes peeled for work announcements and a fundraising gala to help offset the costs.
Other events on the way include a foraging walk led by Russ Cohen May 29th (no sign-up required) and “Jam-boree!” jam-making workshops with Carrie DeBlois-Mello on June 26th and one more date TBA. Check our new website for sign-up and further details.
Yes, we’re delighted to announce that our new website is due to launch the first week of June! Watch for announcements and go check it out. And don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook.
We hope to see everyone at the Farm’s official Opening Day, Saturday June 1st. We’ll start at 10:30 with an orientation-and-refresher for new and returning sharers, then have a potluck lunch at 12:00. After lunch, stay a while! Why not start the season by putting in some work hours?
Thanks for joining Stearns Farm CSA. Let’s make this the best year yet.
Peter Doherty, President
Louise Bendel, Debbie Blicher, Nancy Conklin-Stone, Lisa Kamer, Gail Tapscott, and Tom Yelton