Just as the rest of the season seems to have progressed so quickly this year, fall is now rapidly approaching. It is going down to the low 40s tonight, and the first frost advisory is up for northern New England! These cooler temperatures mean the beginning of the end for the nightshades: basil, cucumbers, peppers and squash, all of the heat-loving crops that stop growing when temperatures get low. Of course, our tomatoes have been staring death in the face for a few weeks now, with late blight a constant threat. We did harvest 928 pounds of tomatoes this week, however, and I am pleasantly surprised and thankful to be canning some for use during the winter.
I encourage people to sign up for our winter share, which is a two pick up share this year. The first pick up is in November, and the second is in December. We are offering a shorter winter share this year in order to rest our soil and, most importantly, to let all plant material die off this winter, so that disease and insects cannot survive on growing plants in our greenhouses.
Here are a few more important announcements you should note:
If you have not received your garlic (it was given out with a weekly share in August), please contact me immediately. Call me on the farm phone: (508) 202-0387.
Our farm refrigerator has finally been put out to pasture. Do you have a full size refrigerator, in good condition, that is looking for a good home? (No bigger than 28″ wide x 25″ deep x 64″ high.) Let us know as soon as possible. Thanks so much!
Work Hours
Now that fall is here and we are all getting back to familiar routines, please schedule in some time to finish up your work hours. We continue to need help at the farm and rely on sharers doing their work hours as part of our labor force. As fall progresses we will be harvesting and mulching, and we will slowly start putting the farm to bed for the winter. Come on out and work with us in the beautiful cool weather (and bring a sandwich and stay for lunch with us)!
Thanks! See you at the farm,