Yes, we know there’s still a foot of snow on the ground, but at Stearns Farm we’re looking ahead to spring. Here’s a look at what’s going on at the farm these days:






OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn recent weeks our dedicated crew and volunteers have been busy building new seed tables on which to start the hundreds of transplants we grow each year.  Thanks to Eric Brockett, Rick Lawrence, and Scott Greb for all their work on this project.







OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASeeding of alliums (onions, leeks, scallions) has begun. Next up: lettuce. Longtime volunteer Sal Lampis is a regular seeder, along with two  members of our  “special ops team”: Anthony and Nick Defelice-Dalton. These seedlings will be transplanted into the fields throughout the spring and summer months.


Every vegetable and flower plant grown at Stearns Farm is started from seed at the farm. Growing our own transplants ensures that our crops start with healthy plants growing in chemical-free medium.