It is hard to believe it is almost August. The weeks are passing quickly, and we all continue to work hard and enjoy ourselves in the process. There are so many people doing different things to make our farm successful. We have had some trials and some loss in our small community over the past few weeks. We’ve also had a birth! Our community is strong, and as we sit at the picnic tables each day for lunch, I am reminded of the support and love that is readily available to each of us.


It has not been a hot summer, though it has been humid. That is a good combination for late blight, the fungal disease that hits New England tomato and potato crops every year. We treat our tomato plants with organic antifungal sprays to inhibit onset of the disease. As tomato season begins, please remember to wash or wipe your tomatoes before eating them. This goes for pick your own cherry tomatoes in the field, as well.


Garlic is here, too – thank you to everyone who came out to help harvest! A special thank you goes out to Kenneth and Seth, who managed the garlic harvest this year. It went smoothly and efficiently, which is reflective of their dedication and work ethic. Everyone will receive their garlic soon.


I would like to encourage sharers to continue putting in work hours. You all have done a great job this year, in providing a consistent work force. The farming season is a marathon, and we are halfway through at this point. Let’s keep going, people!


Happy dog days of summer!

