We had a perfect day for the fall festival on Saturday, as we celebrated our bountiful season and thanked everyone who worked so hard to grow our food and keep our farm beautiful. It was good to see many of you, and for those who couldn’t make it, there’s a highlight reel below. Many thanks to everyone who made the fall festival a success and especially to Noelle Pearce who ran the children’s activities; to Craig Barlow for making the silent auction happen; to Bela Gorman, Jill Boyd, Peter Doherty, Rick Lawrence and Frann Bennett for helping with setup and cleanup; to Sara Abramovitz, for doing anything that needs to be done, and of course, to Susan, Kenneth, and Seth, whose enthusiasm and good cheer make every event at the farm, from weeding to harvesting potatoes, a celebration.
Special thanks to Michele Matties and Jill Boyd for sharing their photos of the festival.