We have opened enrollment for the 2014 Summer Season! During the month of December, all current members of Stearns Farm have the opportunity to take advantage of the priority enrollment period, before we open enrollment to the public. You must submit an online enrollment request and send a minimum deposit + membership fee before 12/31/14 to take advantage of priority enrollment. If you have an outstanding balance for 2014 summer work hours, you must pay that before you can enroll.
We have kept our price increase to the minimum necessary to keep up with expenses. Full Shares are $700 + your $5 membership fee; Alternate-Week Shares are $380 + your $5 membership fee. The required work hours remain at 12 and 6 hours respectively, with the pay-in-lieu rate at $10 per hour.
A note about the Alternate Week Shares: The even/odd week pickup designation has nothing to do with the dates: It reflects the week’s number in the calendar year (as set by an international standard). For example, June 2015 begins with week #23 of the calendar year = odd-numbered week. Please check this international calendar carefully before choosing which group you want to be in.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Frann Bennett at admin@stearnsfarmcsa.org.
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