Well, here we are, heading toward mid-April, and there is snow in the forecast! But my favorite meteorologist says that once we break through this cold, raw, low pressure system that is sitting over New England this week, we will jump into warmer temperatures. It’s going to be 60 degrees and sunny later in the week, and hopefully, that will continue.
Luckily, we have started our seeds on heat mats in the greenhouse. Our greenhouse, unlike at most farms, is unheated, which means that temperatures at night and on cloudy days can dip pretty low inside. This can slow down plant growth. Fortunately, we have had excellent germination of seeds, so that when the plants do finally start growing in earnest, we will have lots of them!
The slow greenhouse growing process mirrors the melting process happening on our fields outside. It has been slow, but this past weekend saw the unveiling of our fields from the snowpack. Yes, we can see the ground! Now, we just need the water to drain out, so that we can plant our spring crops. The target date for that is April 15, seven days from now. We shall see.
Once springtime really hits, there will be no stopping it. We have a farm clean up day scheduled for Saturday, April 25, and I encourage as many people as possible to come out, and put in some of your work hours at the farm. Bring a sandwich, and stay and eat with us around the picnic tables at noon.
We look forward to seeing you!