Here we are, one week before the first pick up, and yes, we have crops growing. Some of these will be ready for our first pick up during the week of June 8. It is miraculous really, since 90 days ago, on March 4, it was 4 degrees Fahrenheit in Framingham. Since then, snow has melted, seeds have germinated, soil has warmed up, and plants have grown. Let’s all thank Mother Nature for the soaking rain this weekend.
Each season is different, and this year, notwithstanding the weekend rain, we have been dealing with dry, hot weather very early on. Yearly changes, as well as weekly, and sometimes daily changes in weather, keeps us farmers on our toes, and reminds us that there is a higher plan that we do not know about. All we can do is prepare like heck, and then go with the flow.
Part of that flow includes planting large crop families, like nightshades and melons. We put out the call for help, and you responded in numbers! With a big turn out of willing workers this week, we were able to plant all of our nightshades. These include peppers, eggplant, and different types of tomatoes (cherry, sauce, slicers, and heirloom). Thank you to everyone who came out and helped during this past (hot) week at the farm! You can rest assured that the plants you touched are safe in the ground and getting (hopefully not too much) water this weekend.

Long-time sharer Kathy Powers (left) and new sharer Chris Ludwig were among the crew of sharers and volunteers who came to work this week. Kathy does much of our small greenhouse seeding and transplanting. Chris has decided to volunteer his time every week now that he’s completed the required work hours.
We have had some insect pressure this spring, too. The usual suspects have returned, including cucumber beetle, cabbage maggot, and leaf miner, a pest that eats the leaves of the chenopodiaceae family of plants. Chenopods, as I like to call them, include beets, spinach, and swiss chard. Managing this pest is keeping us extremely busy this season. If you have done work hours this spring, it is likely that you spent some of the time picking infected leaves off of these plants in order to help save them.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the spring festival this coming Saturday. Please don’t forget to bring a dish for the potluck lunch, along with your own utensils and plates. We like to use minimal plastic and paper. It should be a fun day! There will be music, orientations for new members (experienced sharers are welcome to attend, too), and of course, we will hold work hours during the day.