Did you know that Stearns Farm has a Board of Directors? Do you wonder what the Board does? The answer is, everything that isn’t farming. While the farm manager and the crew handle all the farming operations, the Board takes care of the non-farming operations for our small non-profit organization.
Board members are responsible for marketing, developing the education programs, fundraising, long-term strategic planning, legal transactions, infrastructure improvements, and much else. With the help of dedicated volunteers, the Board supports the farm manager in ways large and small. This year Board members Nick Clayton and Peter Doherty are managing the new shed project. Lisa Kamer and James Apostol have been instrumental in securing charitable contributions from Whole Foods in 2014 and the Dorr Foundation in 2015, and Bela Gorman, Jill Boyd, and Nomi Sofer put together the educational programs that many of you have attended this year.
The Board has a number of open slots. If you are interested in discussing how you might contribute to Stearns Farm by becoming a Board member, please contact Peter Doherty by email at president@stearnsfarmcsa.org.
Click here for biographies of the current members of the Stearns Farm Board of Directors.