We have reached the beginning of September, and summer is not ready to let go! The forecast is for near 90 degrees all week and through Labor Day. And there is no rain in sight. This bodes well for the nightshades —tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. They like hot weather, and since we have installed irrigation in the beds, the combination of hot temperatures and daily watering will give them a boost and inspire them to grow for a while longer.
The farmers, on the other hand, are done with hot weather. We are looking forward to the cool nights of the coming month and toward the fall festival, which is taking place on September 26. Please plan to attend the festival, as it is our closing celebration for the season and also the annual meeting, when our board of directors is elected. This year we are also excited to show off our newly built shed and show you where the other one will be built in October.
Now that fall routines are being established, please include some farm time in your plans, so you’re able to complete your required work hours. It’s easier to finish them in increments rather than save them up and have to find a block of several hours later fall to complete them all at once.
We hope to see you soon!