If you’ve been looking for a way to get more involved with managing and sustaining the farm, run for one of three open seats on the Stearns Farm board of directors. Elections for a 3-year term will be held during the fall harvest festival on Sept. 26.

Board members’ responsibilities include working closely with Susan to create the farm budget, fund raising, education programming and marketing. Long-term planning will be a priority for the upcoming year.

The new shed installation has been a major project for board members this year. In addition, the board has revitalized education programming and obtained a $5K grant from the Alice Willard Dorr Foundation. Other recent accomplishments include a Whole Foods 5% day, which netted more than $5,000 in 2014 and building a new greenhouse (2013).

The board meets monthly, with committee and small group meetings as needed. Members can serve an unlimited number of terms. Officers–president, vice president, treasurer and secretary–are elected by the board and serve for one year at a time, for a maximum of three times.

To learn more about joining the board, email president@stearnsfarmcsa.org.