Work on the farm is definitely settling down, although more hands finishing work hours are always welcome. We’re harvesting and double-checking the crops for the final pickups, tending the full beds for the winter shares, and preparing the fields for their winter sleep. Green, nutrient dense crops are popping up on the swaths of land we’re finished using, and I’m reminded of the seasonal changes that we all go through in this part of the world.
I am looking forward to a restful winter in order to replenish my own depleted energy stores. Winter hiking and backpacking; snowshoeing, and some cross-country skiing are just what the doctor ordered. Meanwhile, my wife Christine (the co-gardener of the herb gardens) are making plans to move on. I will be leaving Stearns Farm when this season is over.
As you may know, Christine and I are building a tiny house on wheels. We plan to travel across the country and farm in different locations until we decide where we want to put down roots.
We’re going to spend this winter finishing the house. While we’ll be sticking around one more year to save money before we take to the highway, I’ll be moving to a different farm in order to gain other experiences, see other farming systems, and narrow down a bit more what type of farm best suits me.
As I think about my remaining my time with Stearns, I’m feeling kinship with the weather, its crisp coolness comingled with the warmth of the sunlight. The end-of-season crops make me long for hearty meals and soups that are chockablock with creamy potatoes, bright carrots, and a multitude of greens. I can imagine settling down to a good movie, with the fire crackling, and the farm popcorn popping off the cob.
When I started my farming adventure two years ago, the Stearns community welcomed me. All of you have been an important part of my farming experience. I left a career in medicine to learn the craft of farming, in part to make people healthier from a different angle. I came looking for my path and ended up finding my people. I feel as if, both with the other farmers and all of you who support local farms, that I have found my niche. I am over-the-top appreciative of that.
See you in the fields of life!
—Seth (who wears his emotions in his beard instead of on his sleeve)