We are keeping an eye on the crops in the field, and it’s looking like the CSA distributions will be starting either the week of June 13 or the week of June 20. We will be announcing the start date about a week from now, so stay tuned!
While we have crops that look like they will be ready for the earlier date, we are waiting to see how some others, which we put in later than we anticipated, will size up. We want to make sure that we are distributing a continuously bountiful share. Much of the success of the crops will depend on what the weather looks like over the next couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, we are working hard to get everything into the ground on schedule. The crops that have already been in for a while are looking strong. The weeds have really started to emerge during the past two weeks, but we’ve had fairly successful weed management.
We need some help hand-weeding in the carrots, which is very fine work but also quite enjoyable. If you still need to complete your work hours, please join us this week in rescuing our tiny, slow-growing carrot seedlings! Thanks to all of you who worked on that this past (sweltering hot) Saturday morning. We got so much done!
Hope to see you soon at the farm, in the fields.
Be well!
Mel and the Stearns Farm crew.