As most of you who have completed your work hours in the past couple weeks can confirm, we are at that point in the season where much of what we spend the day doing involves weed control. Hand weeding, hoeing, cultivating with the tractor…you name it and we are doing it to get rid of weeds. I’m pleased with how clean the fields were looking when I left on Saturday evening, but you can bet that we’ll be starting all over again this week after an inch of rain and two days of heat!
As it tends to happen at this time of the year, the season feels as though it is just flying by. It’s already June, and tomatoes, eggplant, basil, and many other warm weather crops have been planted. They are looking great so far. It’s also the time of the year, unfortunately, when disease starts to pop up in the fields. We’re sad to have found some disease-related loss in the first cucumber plantings. As farmers who use organic practices, there’s not a whole lot we can do to stop its spread besides hope for the best. We’ll keep you all posted.
Next week. we will be adding harvest to the mix of field work we are doing, and I am very much looking forward to bringing food in from the fields for you all! There is some delicious stuff to look forward to.
Of course, the farm teems with life beyond the plants. Our first set of resident killdeer have successfully hatched one group of chicks, and we just found another killdeer nest in our strawberries a week or so ago.
Thanks to all who joined up this past Saturday–it was lovely to meet some of you and share a meal.
Be well,