Thyme, oregano and Thai basil are ready to harvest in the culinary herb garden. Look for the red strings! In addition, there’s lots of purslane growing as weeds in the fields. Here’s how to harvest and use these herbs (remember to bring scissors and pick from plants along the entire row):


Look for the fullest, bushiest plants. Using scissors, cut no more than 1/3 of each stem. Use this aromatic herb in a variety of recipes, including marinades, soups, sauces and salads. It also makes a great tea. Thyme is packed with minerals and vitamins.


Oregano has a robust flavor that pairs well with most foods. Try it in breads, marinades, as a seasoning for vegetables and beans, or as a pesto. Medicinally, oregano can be used as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, as well as to relieve bee stings. It also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-parasitic properties. As with thyme, look for the fullest, bushiest plants and cut no more than 1/3 of each stem.

Thai Basil

These short plants have purplish leaves and are currently flowering. Pinch the flower tops back using scissors and enjoy the licorice-like flavor of this versatile herb. Thai basil has a stronger flavor than sweet basil. Try it in Asian recipes or as a garnish!


Purslane is a low-lying succulent with a lemony flavor that you’ll find growing as a weed in the fields and in the culinary herb garden. You can pull it up wherever you see it! Read more about it (and see a picture) here: