Thanks to the outpouring of contributions from Stearns Farm members, we are much closer to raising the $10,000 we need to cover our water bills. But we’re not there yet. If every sharer who has not yet contributed would give $25 by this Friday, we can reach our goal.
We’re grateful for every contribution, in any amount. Sharer Louise Bendel explained her reason for contributing this way: “Droughts are costly. Food prices are going to go up at the supermarket, and it would be naive to think that we are immune at Stearns. I truly believe in Stearns’ mission, and want to support its efforts to protect our fragile environment.”
Stearns is a small farm with resource constraints, yet we’ve built a community with an unmatched commitment to preserving our methods of sustainable farming and environmental stewardship. Please make your contribution toward our Drought Relief Fund at