Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Drought Fund in August and September! With your help we were able to raise almost $7,000 toward our revised $12,000 goal.
We are no longer irrigating summer crops, but we are still paying the season’s unprecedented water bill. In fact, the bill was even larger than we anticipated in August, when we launched our Drought Fund campaign with three months left in the growing season. As we explained then, without irrigation we would not have had a harvest this year. What’s more, although the Massachusetts drought has eased slightly, Framingham is still experiencing extreme drought conditions, with implications for next summer.
To cover our remaining 2016 expenses and prepare for 2017, we are reopening our Drought Fundraiser and asking for additional, tax-deductible donations. We are thrilled to announce that a generous sharer, Nina Kornstein, has offered to match the first $2,500 donated by our community before December 31. This doubles the impact of every donation we receive!
We know you are part of the Stearns Farm community because of your commitment to your family’s health and to our mission to farm sustainably and help eradicate hunger in our community. As part of this commitment, please include Stearns Farm in your year-end charitable giving. You can make a donation in any amount in the Stearns Farm online store. We are grateful for your support!