Dear sharers, I’m looking forward to our first winter distro this weekend! The walk-in is stocked with veggies to be given out to winter sharers, and our fields are looking increasingly bare and tidied up.

Last weekend, we got next year’s garlic planting covered in mulch, and then I spent four days away, getting out the vote up in New Hampshire. Ken kept working on farm clean up while I was away, and he got so much done.

The farm has been really beautiful, with all of the shifting colors and the gorgeous trees along the field edges putting on a show. I’ve been grateful for these mild late October and early November days. My personal life has been affected quite a bit by the election outcome, to say the least, and the peace of the farm has meant a lot to me these past few days.

I hope that you all are well and have also had some time to get outside and enjoy these gorgeous autumn days.
