I am so excited to announce that we will be offering a new service for our farm families on Saturday mornings this spring!

Long-time sharer and super volunteer Sara Abramovitz, who is an experienced children’s developmental specialist, will be leading programming and activities for 4-8 year olds on Saturday mornings during sharer work hours (10 am-12 pm). Sara has a bunch of fun, creative, farm-based activities up her sleeve that are based on her deep knowledge about and familiarity with the farm. Your child can experience the farm with guidance and supervision while you complete your work hours.

The free program will only be open to those families who are completing work hours or doing volunteer work on the farm during those hours. We strongly encourage you to sign up your child at least 24 hours in advance, so we can plan for the number of children who are coming and you can make sure your child has a spot. To make registration convenient, we will include this program on the work hour sign up form, which will be available soon. Watch your inbox for more details.

You can make an event of it by bringing a (trash free) bagged lunch or a picnic basket and joining us after your work hours on Saturday!

We will be offering Saturday Mornings in the Children’s Garden on the following dates this spring and again in the late summer and fall: April 22, April 29, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, June 3, June 10, June 17, September 9, September 16, September 23, September 30.

See you at the farm!

Be well,
