If you would like to have more garlic over the winter, order it fromTrish Stefanko, a former Stearns Farm farm manager, by Aug. 31. Get the details in her guest post:
“Greetings from garlic central New Hampshire!
For the past 5 years I’ve been living in southwestern New Hampshire and growing garlic. Our little organic micro farm is located in the Cold River valley. We are lucky to have free manure from a non-profit up here called ” Save Your Ass” donkey rescue, and we use a lot of it to feed our garlic!
We’ll have seed garlic for those of you who want to grow your own (highly recommended!), and culinary garlic for cooking. It will be fully cured and ready to use or store. This garlic stores very well; we usually use our last over-wintered head in March!
The cost is $10/lb. One pound includes 6-8 heads.
Please pre order by sending me an email to let me know how much garlic you would like, and I will collect payment on delivery.
I will bring the garlic down sometime in September or October and have it available for pick up at the farm. I’ll send an email to alert you when I’ll be coming down. Please don’t forget to pick it up (last year a few folks did)!
Also, it’s likely that I’ll bring extra loose garlic for sale at the pick ups.
Thanks so much and see you in a few months!