A more appropriate title for this edition of the newsletter might be “Notes From the Beach.” This weekend, my partner and I got away to my folks’ house on Long Island, and we’ve spent pretty much all of our time swimming in the warm, salty waters of Peconic Bay and Shinnecock Bay, eating delicious seafood that had been harvested by my parents’ bayman friend, and going down to the beach to have our morning coffee (except for this morning: I’m sipping as I type this). It’s been such a treat.
We make this little trip at the end of every summer. As a farmer, it’s the closest I get to a summer vacation. It’s also the only time I get to visit with my parents in my busiest months, which also happen to be the months when they are doing some of the things they love most–going out on their little motor boat, fishing, grilling, and visiting the beach to watch the weather. For my partner, it marks the end of her summer break and the beginning of the school year.
I hope you all have been able to your summer. As the air gets chillier in the evening, the days get shorter, and the kids all start heading back to school, it is becoming clear that autumn is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to moving into this next season at the farm, when farm clean up starts in earnest, we start to put the fields into cover crops, and…. we start planning for the next season!
We look forward to seeing you all under the tent this week.