​When you belong to a CSA, you pay up front for your share of the harvest, and you share both the bountiful seasons and the challenging ones. We’re glad to have you as part of our community.

That’s why ​I’m excited to announce that we will will be begin to sell our 2018 summer shares in the next couple of weeks. Usually we start offering summer shares January, but we know we aren’t raising our prices, and we want to offer you, our current sharers, some perks and gifts to thank you for committing to Stearns Farm for the upcoming season.

These perks will include: discounts, the chance to be entered in a raffle to get reimbursed for the entire value of your share, gift certificates to give to friends and family, coupons for seedlings at our plant sale, and waived work hours. In other words, lots of good stuff, so stay tuned! We will be sending out email blasts and posting reminders under the tent.

Weather and fields update

At this point I’ve written more than a few times about the various challenges we’ve faced this year, which compounded, have made the shares a touch less bountiful than last season. This year, I really felt the small size of the farm—just under two acres. A couple of lettuce plantings stolen by deer here, two rows of summer squash nibbled by woodchucks there, staffing challenges that highlighted weed pressure, plus cold and wet conditions in May, June, and July, and the impact of last year’s drought on our blueberry crop….it adds up fast! Despite our smallness, we’ve still been able to get diverse, high quality, delicious food to you, which once again proves the strength of a diversified farm.

I hope you have been enjoying your share thus far. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about this season, growing conditions, or anything else production related!

Be well,