We have a few varieties of seedlings left over from our sale this month, and you can purchase them on a self-service basis if you visit the farm.
Find all of the plants at the front of the farm, beginning in the parking lot and extending beyond the wooden fence to the PYO flower garden. Pay by leaving cash or a check made out to Stearns Farm CSA in the locked box located under the kiosk in the parking lot (look for the sign that says “Pay Here”).
Available plants include:
- Vegetables: beans, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, scallions, spinach, squash, tomatoes
- Herbs: basil, chamomile, cilantro, mint, parsley,
- Flowers: pansies, sunflowers, strawflowers, zinnias,