Luke Harms will return to Stearns Farm this week with maple syrup for sale from Harms Family Farm. Stock up during pickups on June 25 and June 28 from 10 am – 7 pm. 

The syrup comes in three grades: Grade A medium amber has a light, candy-like hint of maple flavor. Grade A dark has more maple flavor but is less sweet. Grade A very dark has an even stronger maple flavor that is good for cooking.

Please pay with cash or with a check made out to Lucas Harms: Harms Family Farm does not currently accept credit cards.

Prices (all grades)
  • 1 gallon glass: $60
  • 1 gallon plastic: $58
  • 1/2 gallon plastic: $33
  • Quart plastic: $18
  • Pint plastic:  $11
  • 1/2 pint plastic: $7

Harms Family Farm has been selling syrup at Stearns Farm since 2011, while Sonya was working here and Luke was making syrup in the mountains of Maine. They got married in 2012 and bought a sugar bush in Colrain, Mass., where they have been making their pure maple syrup ever since.