Our greenhouse tomatoes are starting to ripen and our field tomatoes are not far behind—they’re loving this heat! Since we grow so many different kinds of tomatoes, I’ve created this guide to the varieties you may see under the pavilion.
When you collect your tomatoes each week, you’ll notice that we harvest some of them before they’re completely ripe. We have several reasons. First, it’s easier to manage the harvest; we can ensure we don’t lose any tomatoes to pests, or because they become too ripe and fall off or begin to rot. It’s also nice for sharers to have options; you can take tomatoes that are ready to eat as well as some that will be ready in a few days.
The list below tells you the variety name, where we grow each variety on the farm, and a description of what it looks like when fully ripe (including a photo) so you know when it is ready to eat.
Stearns Farm 2019 Tomato Varieties