We have finally reached the end of the 2019 Summer CSA season! I have mixed emotions at this time of year as the farm goes through it’s major seasonal shifts. I am sad to stop harvesting so many wonderful, fresh vegetables for all of you. I am also excited to rest and reflect on all that we accomplished this season, as well as start planning for 2020. 

During the CSA season, we grew vegetables, berries, and flowers for more than 225 families and were able to donate over 500 pounds of food to St. Bridget’s food pantry in Framingham. We provided thousands of local, organically grown seedlings to our community members during our plant sale in May. Meanwhile, the farm was a sanctuary and home to thousands of honey bees, butterflies, and birds as well as a clutch of snapping turtle eggs. (See one of the hatchlings below.)

Stearns Farm plans to give back to our community even more next year. We hope to donate more vegetables to families in need as well as increase awareness and improve accessibility to our educational gardens. We will continue to work with Sudbury Valley Trustees to provide workshops at the farm, and we will invite and encourage the local community to volunteer their time. 

In the meantime, tell everyone you know about Stearns! We could not continue to farm organically and sustainably grown food without your help. Your recommendations to others help to grow our wonderful community and spread the word of the importance of supporting local farms. Your kind words of encouragement give us the power and energy to do our best every day. Thank you for your support this season! 

Until next time,
