I can’t believe the year is nearly over! As I grow older, time seems to be moving faster in my life. I wrote this poem a few winters ago when I felt like I needed a reminder to be more present. I hope you enjoy it.
Stopping to Absorb Time
Spring is wet, fresh, and spunky
Summer is lazy, fat, and silly
Autumn is bright, musky, and thoughtful
Winter is sparkly, cozy, and wise
Each season has its moments
Moments that make you stop
To listen and breath in the vibrations around you
As you close your eyes and absorb it all
They want our attention, you know
As we live in one season, the next one beckons us
Trying to make us forget where we are
And run forward through time into their arms
Don’t be fooled my friends
The sleeping bear does not rush hibernation
The cardinal does not wish for the early return of the catbird
The sun does not ever move faster through the sky
Be present my friends
Do not let the next season steal time from you
Be happy my friends
There is so much to be grateful for
Happy Holidays!