The following information is for those who signed up for a Summer CSA Share:
If you are a summer CSA sharer, you should have received an email last week regarding our “opt in pre-bagged share” option. In case you missed it, please keep reading!
To make sure we are meeting the needs of all of our sharers, we are offering the option of pre-bagged shares this summer, for those who wish to take extra precautions. This is an opt in choice. You will need to let us know by June 7 if you wish to receive pre-bagged shares for the entire summer CSA season. More details below.
Pre-bagging, no substitutions:
- Your share will be pre-bagged for quick pickup each week.
- No substitutions or choices. Bagging or boxing up shares will require a large amount of extra work for our small crew and work-for-share staff. In order to make such a service feasible, we need to simplify the bagging process, so we can’t offer choices or substitutions.
- Opt in. If you wish to participate in this offer, email Barbara at by June 7th. Please provide your name and the pick-up day you signed up for. If we do not hear from you by June 7th, we will assume that you do not wish to have your share pre-bagged.
Can I change my mind? Yes, but only once. After June 7th, anyone who opted in to this offer can opt out and pick up their share under the pavilion for the rest of the season. Similarly, if your situation changes you may ask to join the pre-bagged share option. Because of the extra labor involved in bagging shares and managing two different share options, all switches in or out of the pre-bagging program can be made just once and will be permanent for the rest of the 2020 season. We are grateful for your understanding and support.