Change is in the air. A shift in the weather is making our work days more manageable and is reminding me why I love working outside. Our daily task list is getting shorter and the feeling of urgency that we feel in July is fading. This is my favorite time of year since there are still so many wonderful things coming out of the fields and also so much to look forward to! Here is an update on some of our favorite crops that are doing well:
Tomatoes: The landscape fabric we placed in between our tomato beds has helped tremendously with weed suppression. We are also able to water the plants weekly, keeping them happy during the drought. Some of our taller varieties fell over in the strong winds we had several weeks ago, but we were able to prop them up and secure them so they are standing tall again. Most types are looking good but a couple of our heirloom varieties are beginning to slow down. This is why we make sure to cultivate multiple varieties, in addition to growing in the greenhouse. This will ensure we have tomatoes for many more weeks.
Eggplant: Our eggplant is doing so well! After a rough start to the season, when they were hit hard by flea beetles, the plants were able to push through and are producing some beautiful and delicious fruit. I typically don’t go crazy for eggplant but so far, I’ve made Ratatouille and grilled it and plan on breading and frying it up. Not a fan yourself? I highly recommend preparing the eggplant different ways until you find one or two you like.
Carrots: We had terrible germination in our first seeding of carrots back in April, but the planting we’ve been picking from is doing pretty well all things considered. You may notice some nibbles on some of them, but it’s just a friendly reminder that we grow organically. I think of it as our little contribution to the many micro ecosystems here at the farm.
Broccoli: Fingers crossed that we WILL have broccoli this year! The groundhog issue is under control at the moment, which made it possible to put in our fall planting of broccoli without fear of it getting eaten the very next day. And with no real rain in the forecast, Kerry spent an afternoon last week placing irrigation in the field so we can keep it watered while they grow.
Summer Squash and Cucumbers: Gardeners and farmers all over have had amazing cucumber and squash crops. Last year, we were unable to put in our last planting of both veggies, but this year we were able to find the space and time to do so. The plants look happy and healthy and are just beginning to produce some beautiful fruit.
Until next time,