Each year, Stearns Farm relies on its’ wonderful and generous community members to help us succeed. And now, more than ever, we are looking to all of you to help in any way. Whether it’s contributing financially during our fundraising campaign, purchasing plants at the seedling sale, donating a box of ice pops in July or volunteering your time out in the fields, we are truly grateful. If you’d like to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather this season, consider helping us at the farm!
Whether you help with weeding, seeding, planting or harvesting, there is something for any skill level and ability. Here are three ways to contribute your time during the growing season:
WORK HOURS: Beginning Monday, May 3rd (If you’d like to complete your work hours at the seedling sale, click here for more information)—-
One unique aspect of signing up for a CSA share at Stearns is the opportunity to complete work hours at the farm. It is a great way to learn something new and meet the farmers who grow your vegetables. Sharers who need to do their work hours can come to the farm starting Monday, May 3rd. Since it takes some effort to manage and assist our workers and volunteers, we ask that you choose from the following days and times of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday from 10am-12pm
To sign up: Please email me at farmer@stearnsfarmcsa.org to let me know when you plan to come in. Please arrive shortly before 10am so we can head to the fields for instructions exactly at 10am. Be sure to bring you face mask (some tasks may require less distancing than others), water, sunscreen and gloves if you wish to work in them.
If you are unsure whether or not you need to do work hours, please read the confirmation email you received when you signed up for your share or email admin@stearnsfarmcsa.org
Volunteering is a fantastic way to connect with the land and get to know your farmers and neighbors while completing meaningful work. Please visit our website or email our volunteer coordinator at saralarry@verizon.net to set up a time to volunteer at the farm. Similar to work hours, the days and times that work best for the farm are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday from 10am-12pm. Please arrive just prior to 10am so we can head out to the fields and receive instructions together at the same time.
There are still a few positions available for our work-for-share program. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in working 4 hours/week in exchange for a vegetable share, please email me at farmer@stearnsfarmcsa.org to get more information.
We will update the calendar on our website and post on social media to let you know of special projects and volunteer opportunities throughout the season. Thank you in advance for all of your help and support. We look forward to working with many of you soon!
Until next time,