Phase 1 of the Early Bird 2022 Share Sale begins Monday, September 13th at 8am. Open to current Stearns members, this promotion is valid for the FIRST 100 VEGETABLE SHARES SOLD (excludes 2021 Winter Shares and PYO Flower & Herb Shares).
Phase 1 Prices & Thank You Gifts:
5% Discount on 2022 Prices:
- Summer Classic: $815
- Summer Farmer’s Choice: $478
- Back-to-School Classic: $499
- Back-to-School Farmer’s Choice: $315
$3 Coupon to our 2022 Seedling Sale
PYO Flower Voucher
Automatically entered into a raffle for a chance to win our new Stearns Farm Cookbook
Phase 2 Prices & Thank You Gifts:
Begins after we sell the first 100 shares and runs through October 31st (Excludes 2021 Winter Shares and PYO Flower & Herb Shares)
- Summer Classic: $854
- Summer Farmer’s Choice: $501
- Back-to-School Classic: $523
- Back-to-School Farmer’s Choice: $330
$3 coupon to our 2022 Seedling Sale
1 week vegetable voucher
Waived work hours
Automatically entered into a raffle for a chance to win our new Stearns Farm Cookbook
These shares will sell out quickly so don’t wait and visit our store to order yours today! 2021 Winter Shares are available for sale to both CSA members and the public starting September 13th.
If you are facing financial hardship and need assistance to pay for your share, we can help. Please fill out our form to inquire about our subsidized share program.