First things first: I want to thank you for all your generous support. Our annual campaign was a great success because of all of your help. Your words, time and financial support are crucial as we make it through every growing season. Each year brings with it many unknowns (for farmers it’s pests, disease, broken equipment, extreme weather, etc.), but Stearns’ supportive community is the foundation we need as we face a new season. Without a strong foundation to support us, we would crumble and fall. 

While we reached our initial goal, the giving never ends, so you’re still welcome to contribute to our irrigation equipment update campaign on our website! And don’t forget to look into matching gifts from your employer.

Our community is so amazing and you all make it possible to continue our mission. Like so many organizations, our mission is how we make a lot of our decisions. Mission statements are significant in that they tell us what a company or non-profit stands for before we know anything else. But sometimes that isn’t always clear. Have you ever seen a commercial or gone to a website and you’re not exactly sure what it is they’re selling or what the purpose of the company is? It’s often a funny game to play – see who can figure out what the product is before the end of the commercial – but it can also be confusing. We are distracted by the flashy colors, music, celebrities and fluffy language. Without a clear vision and purpose, it’s hard to get anything done and the consumers may not even understand what they are supporting! 

Below is Stearns’ mission statement that you can find on our website. I think it’s always good for me to revisit the mission at the beginning of each year so the words are fresh as I move into another season. As our website states: “Our mission is to grow a variety of high-quality produce using organic practices in a beautiful and welcoming environment. We are committed to the values of our founders, which include stewardship of the land as a working farm, ensuring fair compensation for our farmers, educating and connecting our members to each other and the land, and donating a portion of our annual harvest to food relief organizations in our community.”

Thank you again for making it possible to continue this important and worthy mission and for being the foundation to withstand any roadblock along the way.

Until next time,