Fruit Shares, courtesy of Autumn Hills Orchard in Groton, MA, will once again be available for the 2022 season, with pickups starting the week of August 22nd. Just in time for school lunches and the peak of the New England fruit season, these shares consist of 8 weekly, half-peck totes (approx. 4-5 lbs depending on the makeup of the week’s share), full of the freshest and highest quality produce picked to order specifically for CSA members.
Shares highlight the wide range of fruits grown at the family-run orchard and enable our members to sample a generous selection of locally-grown produce, including both antique and modern varieties. Shares may include peaches, pears, plums, grapes and apples. Select the Tuesday or Friday pickup during checkout and grab your Fruit Share at the same time and place as your veggies at Stearns.
Anyone can sign up (Stearns members or not), so order yours today while supplies last!