Stearns Farm is looking for a new webmaster and IT manager to manage the back end of our WordPress site, integration with QuickBooks and the member database. This position is a work-for-share opportunity and requires a year-round commitment to help as needed during each season.
Experience working on consumer- or member-facing websites is desirable, as is an appreciation for what makes a great user experience. Application-level knowledge is helpful and familiarity with e-commerce is a plus. Motivation to dive in and learn what you need to know, in service to a great cause, is critical.
Payment is a Classic Harvest Summer Share of organically-grown vegetables, berries, herbs and flowers. You will work closely with our website editor, farm manager, bookkeeper and farm administrator. Start date is March 1, with a transition period with the outgoing webmaster in February.
If you are interested in the position, please send your resume and a brief note describing your experience to Farm Manager Ember Fleming at