Farming has always been hard work and as recent seasons have shown us, it’s not getting any easier. Factors like climate change, rising costs, more frequent and longer droughts, and general farm maintenance keep small-scale food producers like Stearns on a razor-thin margin. This year, we are asking for your help in donating to our “rainy day” fund and keeping our CSA robust and resilient in times of need.

Stearns relies on the profits from CSA share sales and the annual seedling sale to cover the farm’s yearly expenses. So when a piece of equipment breaks down or more water is needed for irrigation, these unexpected costs stretch the budget beyond what was planned for that season. A strong “rainy day” fund ensures that the farm can continue to operate using sustainable practices and fulfill its mission to our members and the community at large.

Thank you to all who have already given generously to our annual fundraiser. If you would like to contribute, please visit our online store and donate today to keep Stearns Farm CSA strong and thriving for years to come!