Join Transition Framingham for the 12th Annual Framingham Vegetable Gardens Tour. This year’s focus is on beautiful gardens throughout the city’s south side!
Meet up with other gardening enthusiasts 9AM – 12PM on Saturday, August 26th for a FREE tour of several private and community gardens south of Route 9. Get inspired with fresh ideas and advice from the homeowners and other seasoned growers as you learn how others handle the challenges and rewards of cultivating plants.
Remember to wear appropriate clothing and footwear and bring along sunscreen, water, hats/visors, etc. Bathroom breaks and light snacks will the provided over the course of the morning. This event will be held rain or shine, with only severe weather prompting a cancellation. More details on the starting location and the route will be shared by early August.
Advance registration is encouraged, but not required. Find out more by visiting
All donations will benefit Framingham Community Farm and Transition Framingham. Enter promo code “vegtour” to sign up without donating. Donations are not required to attend the tour.
If you, or someone you know, have a home vegetable garden on the south side of the city that you would like to feature on the tour, Transition Framingham is still looking to add a few more stops! Contact Mary Memmott if interested: email, or call/text 508-202-2229.
Information and image courtesy of Transition Framingham and Energize Framingham.