Early Bird signups for current members will close on Sunday, October 29th at 8PM. Now is the perfect opportunity to secure next year’s share before the sale opens to the general public at the end of the month.
During this promotional period, sharers also have the option to select from a list of “thank you” gifts as a token of our gratitude for your continued patronage:
Full Season Classic Share: $896
Choose 1 thank you gift:
- Waived Work Hours
- Stearns Cookbook + an adult Stearns t-shirt + Stearns bandana
- 2 veggie vouchers + PYO flower voucher
Full Season Farmer’s Choice Share: $526
Chose 1 thank you gift:
- Waived Work Hours
- Stearns Cookbook + an adult Stearns t-shirt
- 1 week veggie voucher + PYO flower voucher
Back-to-School Classic Share: $549
Choose 1 thank you gift:
- Waived work hours
- 1 week veggie voucher + Stearns bandana
Back-to-School Farmer’s Choice Share: $336
Choose 1 thank you gift:
- Waived work hours
- PYO Flower Voucher + Stearns bandana
PYO Flower and Herb Share: $138
*There is no work hour requirement for the 2024 Flower & Herb Share*
Winter Share: $140
*This share is available now for purchase by members and non-members*