Over the last few years, Stearns members have taught others skills as varied as foraging, recording outdoor sounds and infusing vinegars. We are continuing the skills-sharing this summer with a series of qigong classes happening right on the farm. If you have a craft or activity you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you!

Whether it’s yoga, painting in the great outdoors, wildlife photography, arranging bouquets or some other awesome talent, the farm is a great place to host classes and strengthen the Stearns community. Commitments can range from a couple of hours to several sessions over the season, from the start of summer until the end of October. 

To potentially offer a workshop at Stearns, please email farm manager Ember Fleming at farmer@stearnsfarmcsa.org with the following:

  • A short workshop description 
  • A few potential dates and times you would like to have your workshop
  • A list of any supplies you may need (chairs, electricity, etc.)
  • Group size limit