In the second installment of this season’s Stearns Crew Spotlight, we get to know a nature-loving, mate-sipping work-for-sharer who made Stearns one of her first stops after moving to the States. Enjoy!
What brought you to Stearns and how long have you been a member?
I started on the farm in 2019, the same year that I came to live in America. I am from Brazil. and when I arrived I tried to do something I liked, somewhere I could start new friendships. Ember was my first American friend connection.
What sort of work/tasks do you perform at the farm? What do you like about it? What’s been a challenge
I always do whatever Ember needs, from removing weeds to planting seeds. I like everything, as long as it’s in close contact with nature. Ember always takes the time to show me what to do, so I always succeed.
My biggest challenge has always been understanding the English language, so working here has been a way to learn too.
What do you like to do for fun? Do you have any pets? A favorite hiking spot?
I have a chimarrão with friends, ride my bicycle and make crafts. I had a bunny, but it’s back in Brazil. I like walking anywhere there is a forest, in parks and especially near lakes.
What are you looking forward to most this season?
I don’t think much about it. I do think it’s important for children to participate in activities that involve nature, farms and learning how food is produced.
What is your favorite veggie from the Stearns share and why?
I like practically everything – tomato, potato, corn, broccoli, carrot and cucumber. I love vegetables, they are all necessary for our body, each one with its own vitamins.