Pesky Pathogens

Pesky Pathogens

As our fields at Stearns begin to ripen, I can only imagine what all of your gardens look like! We’re moving on from the crops that favor cooler weather – lettuce, spinach, bok choy, cabbage – and finally seeing significant progress from our fruiting crops...
Field Updates

Field Updates

It’s hard to believe it’s already July, and yet here we are! Summer started off with an unbearable heatwave, but most of our crops made it through in good shape. We’re noticing that the plants are ready about a week earlier than last year and we’re seeing pest...
Summer Solstice at Stearns

Summer Solstice at Stearns

Happy solstice, and week three of the CSA! Perhaps you’ve got solstice traditions of your own, or perhaps it’s not something you observe (yet!). Each season I farm—I’m in my fifth season now—I find myself taking more cues from the rhythms of the seasons. I’d...