PYO dahlia voucher

PYO dahlia voucher

PYO dahlia voucher

This voucher entitles the holder to 15 dahlias in our Pick Your Own Flower Garden. Redeemable from September - October.

You will receive a printable voucher in your confirmation email that you can print to give as a gift or can bring with you when you are ready to redeem it.
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A one-time price of $28.00 will be added to your order.
Categories: vouchers
Manufacturer: Stearns Farm CSA
  • Description

This voucher entitles the holder to 15 dahlias in our Pick Your Own Flower Garden. Redeemable from September - October. 

You will receive a printable voucher in your confirmation email that you can print to give as a gift or can bring with you when you are ready to redeem it.