Adapted by by Jamie Oliver
Serves 4 as a side dish

What a surprisingly simple and comforting vegetarian dish.
Unfortunately everyone seems to be completely baffled by celeriac, but it’s beautiful in soups or thinly sliced into salads.
When roasted it goes sweet and when mixed with potato and mashed it’s a complete joy.

1 large  celeriac, peeled
olive oil
1 handful of fresh thyme leaves
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
3/4 tablespoons water or stock

Slice about 1 Ω inch off the bottom of your celeriac and roll it on to that flat edge, so it’s nice and safe to slice. Slice and dice it all up into Ω inch-ish cubes. Don’t get your ruler out,  they don’t have to be perfect. Put a casserole-type pot on a high heat, add 3 good lugs of olive oil, then add the celeriac, thyme and garlic, with a little seasoning. Stir around to coat and fry quite fast, giving a little color, for 5 minutes. Turn the heat down to a simmer, add the water or stock, place a lid on top and cook for around 25 minutes, until tender. Season carefully to taste and stir around with a spoon to smash up the celeriac. Some people like to keep it in cubes, some like to mash it, but I think it looks and tastes much better if you smash it, which is somewhere in the middle. You can serve this with just about any meat you can think of.