Helping Eastleigh Farm

Our neighbors up the street at Eastleigh Farm need our help. In addition to patronizing their store (and if you haven’t tried their milk and cheese and the many other products they sell you are really missing out) you might want to consider making a donation to their...

The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan

Review by Sara Sullivan, Stearns Farm sharer. The Omnivore’s Dilemma created a lot buzz since its publication in 2006, so you may have read it already. If you haven’t picked it up yet, consider checking it out. At 464 pages, it is definitely on the long side, but it’s...

Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall

From Publishers Weekly Goodall, best known for her decades of work with chimpanzees and baboons, turns to the social significance of the food people eat and of how it reaches our tables. In a style that’s both persuasive and Pollyannaish, her guide glides...


Stone Soup The Newsletter of Stearns Farm CSA April 2010 From the Field: Greening Up/Kathy Huckins We welcome you to the 2010 farming season at Stearns Farm CSA. We are entering this spring season asking our earth to act as a giant sponge. The deluge of our recent...