Hello from the Children’s Garden! We are excited to start the new season and see all the wonders of the children’s garden spring to life as our younger sharers come to work, play and explore.
We offer a Children’s Garden work time on many Saturdays during the growing season. It is our hope that this service will help sharers by providing their children an opportunity to work in and feel connected to their own part of the farm while their parents are in the fields. We plant, mulch, weed, harvest, play games, water plants, take nature walks and just have fun. While our activities are generally geared towards younger children (5-8), all are welcome. Upcoming Children’s Garden dates will be listed on the Farm calendar.
Each Children’s Garden work period will last from 10 AM until noon and will include a snack break. Snacks and juice or water should be provided by parents.
Sharers who may be interested in fulfilling some of their required work hours by leading a program in the Children’s Garden should contact Volunteer Coordinator Sara Abramovitz at saralarry@verizon.net.
The Children’s Garden is always open for play even when the farm is closed. However, we ask that parents monitor their children to ensure that the Garden remains a safe and beautiful play area. Specifically:
- Please do not allow your children to empty sand out of the sandbox: it mixes with the surrounding woodchips/mulch, making a mess. Sandcastles, etc. within the sandbox makes everything much neater!
- Do not allow your children to climb the pergola over the sandbox. It’s so tempting, yes, but also so dangerous. Special care has been taken to ensure that it’s structurally sound, but we’d rather not take chances. There’s a wonderful, sturdy, apple tree just a few feet away that the children love to climb and take pictures in if they’d like.
- Please do not allow your children to move the tree-stumps scattered through the Garden. We take the time to dig shallow holes in the ground for the tree stumps so they are stable enough to be walked on. By moving the stumps, they are no longer properly secure and pose a safety threat. We’d hate to see sprained ankles or worse!
Thanks for keeping those few things in mind. See you at the farm!