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Recipes by Ingredient:
basil beets bell peppers blueberries bok choy butternut squash cabbage carrots celeriac celery chard cherry tomatoes chives cilantro collards cucumber dill eggplant garlic garlic scapes green beans hot peppers kale kohlrabi leeks lettuce mint napa cabbage onion parsley parsnips potatoes rosemary sage scallions spinach strawberries sweet potatoes swiss chard thyme tomatillos tomatoes turnips winter squash zucchiniIn Your Share
October 19, 2015 (Odd Week)
ON THE STAND: Cabbage, kale, potatoes, carrots, bok choi, turnips, radishes, mixed greens
PYO: Gleaning TBD
Please remember to weigh your produce carefully and to take only the quantity allotted to you. Please respect our community by upholding the honor system we use.
This list represents what the farmer anticipates will be available this week. Sometimes weather conditions or other factors mean that what is actually ready to harvest on the pickup day is a little different. For an overview of the ebb and flow of the harvest throughout the season, check out the Harvest Chart.
Farm Wish List
These are the items the farm currently needs. New or gently used items are greatly appreciated.
- - Plastic grocery bags
- - Trader Joe's paper bags
Support Us
Please Carry In, Carry Out
There is no trash or recycling pickup at the farm. This means that all non-compostable trash must be taken away by volunteers, who transport it in their personal cars to their own homes for disposal. The same is true for recyclables. Please help us out by carrying out everything you carry in.