Welcome to work hours! Continue reading to get all your questions answered about fulfilling your work requirement.
How many hours do I have to work?
The total amount of hours depends on which share you signed up for. The numbers below reflect what each share type is required to work during the course of the entire season.
- Full Season Classic – 6 hours
- Full Season Farmer’s Choice – 4 hours
- Back to School Classic – 3 hours
- Back to School Farmer’s Choice – 2 hours
When can I work?
10:00AM – 12PM: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
You can find more specific dates when you sign up using our online form.
Please arrive shortly before 10AM so we can head to the fields for instructions exactly at 10AM. It takes time out of our productive days to meet with anyone who shows up late. You should plan to work the entire two hours.
What if I have physical limitations or I can’t find the time in my schedule?
There are several options if you are unable to complete your hours due to physical limitations or scheduling conflicts:
Pay out your hours. You are able to pay for your work hours in our online store for $12/hour.
Have a friend or family member work them for you. You can absolutely have other people come to work your hours for you. Just make sure they inform the farm manager who they are working them for so we record it properly.
Make plans for an alternative activity. There are plenty of tasks on the farm for all kinds of abilities! If you are still interested in completing your hours but have some concerns about any limitations, email Ember and she’d be happy to work something out with you.
I’m ready. Do I need to sign up in advance?
Yes. Please sign up with our online form. It is important to sign up ahead of time so the farm manager can plan appropriate tasks for anyone coming to complete their hours. If you have any further questions, please email farmer@stearnsfarmcsa.org.
How should I prepare for my shift?
Please have your sunblock and hat on, water bottle filled and shoes changed at the designated start time for your shift so that the farm staff can assign everyone in a timely way. We get the most work done when everyone is ready to start at the same time.
What kind of work will I do?
Early in the season (April and May), you may work in the greenhouse or assist with planting. During June – August, you will be most likely helping with weeding and harvesting. Toward the end of the harvest season (September and October), you will also help with cleanup and getting the farm ready for the winter.
If you have physical challenges that will not allow you to work in the greenhouse or in the field, tell us, and we will work with you to find an alternative. In addition, if you have carpentry, plumbing, mechanics or other special skills, you may be able to fulfill your work hours helping with non-field tasks.
Can my children work with me?
Children 8 and older may join you at the farmer’s discretion. However, we urge you to think carefully and honestly about your child’s true ability to complete field work. Most children under 12 struggle to focus on one task for two straight hours. If a child loses interest or is unable to physically perform the work for the entire time, it impacts the productivity of the entire group.
Whether the work your child performs will count toward your work hours requirement depends on the quality and quantity of their work and is up to the discretion of the farmer in charge of your shift. Children under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult; you may not drop off your child at the farm.
What if I have to cancel?
If you need to cancel your work hour commitment, please email the manager as early as possible, but at least a day before your work date, at farmer@stearnsfarmcsa.org.
Updated on March 6, 2024